Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Lisboa by lunchtime 🙂 pic.twitter.com/SSueVlYs
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 4, 2012
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Susan just finishing up at the Vodafone kiosk at the airport. We have connectivity! pic.twitter.com/vPkz1f1R
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 4, 2012
The real deal … mmmmmm! pic.twitter.com/ieGBaRUO
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 4, 2012
Friday, 6 January 2012
Looking north from the rear patio at our apartamento. pic.twitter.com/nVNvPHJy
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 6, 2012
[We] have often walked down this street before … pic.twitter.com/k1nhkazb
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 6, 2012
At Bertrand, waiting to pay for the soon-to-be world-famous guide to Portuguese food by @lucypepper and @CeliaPedroso pic.twitter.com/0TA9QHNX
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 6, 2012
We don't remember what they're called but we promise to look it up. In the Jardim da Estrela. pic.twitter.com/rnmJzbCe
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 6, 2012
As promised: the flower in the previous tweet is Aloe arborescens.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 6, 2012
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Part of tonight's dinner. (Fortunately, we managed to escape the bench in Jardim da Estrela.) pic.twitter.com/cIkzFm2b
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 7, 2012
Sunday, 8 January 2012
While Susan goes for an early Sunday walk, Steve stays home and does laundry. pic.twitter.com/lLj2VI4L
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 8, 2012
High above the Tejo in the Lapa district. pic.twitter.com/YpBsiqEK
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 8, 2012
Relaxing with other idosos overlooking the Tejo on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. pic.twitter.com/xINDSDFx
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 8, 2012
Tonight's beautiful full moon is just rising over Lisboa. We have tried to capture an image, but have been unable to do it justice.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 8, 2012
Monday, 9 January 2012
The sitting-in-the-sun-streaming-through-the-east-window-with-our-tablets part of the day is well underway.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 9, 2012
Dois cafés is de rigeur after such a good lunch at our new favourite tasca. Great meal; great place. pic.twitter.com/h3xI8Sc4
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 9, 2012
Great! Hope you enjoyed João's hospitality! 🙂 RT @KnowmarkTravel We are here. Muito obrigado @AndreaInWine! pic.twitter.com/3zlmIsNR
— AndreaInWine (@AndreaInWine) January 9, 2012
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Just finished almoço at Loja das Sopas. We both had sopa de pedra, which was quite tasty.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 10, 2012
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Another bright sunny day as we begin our second week here. A bit chilly – currently only 10° – but headed for a high of 14°.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 11, 2012
Just a lazy day after a late night. Walked to Pão de Açúcar (about 2km), did some shopping, took the Carris 713 back. pic.twitter.com/RHCUOm7u
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 11, 2012
Friday, 13 January 2012
Flor do dia (fuchsia). In the Jardim da Estrela, of course 🙂 pic.twitter.com/65tdcUZT
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 13, 2012
As @lucypepper & @CeliaPedroso say in their book Eat Portugal, frango no churrasco is "Worth getting right down to sucking the bones."
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 13, 2012
Nice to see João Pinto again. We have eaten his chicken many times. Frango from Nova Xurrex for supper tonight. pic.twitter.com/sQUsC38W
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 13, 2012
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Saturday morning at Az de Comer. Our favourite place for queijadas. pic.twitter.com/OqADwRa4
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 14, 2012
@CeliaPedroso Yes we ARE having fun Eating Portugal. It's one of the main reasons we come here. (People + weather are others.) @lucypepper
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 14, 2012
Tonight's dinner is coming from here. At the Mercado de Campo de Ourique. pic.twitter.com/9u2Frlw6
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 14, 2012
Sunday, 15 January 2012
O flor do dia (unknown). pic.twitter.com/OKbghH4t
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 15, 2012
Because, after an exhaustive search, we could not find a disposable aluminum pie plate for our tourtière tonight. pic.twitter.com/ahHJd5Ks
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 15, 2012
Monday, 16 January 2012
Bacalhau com grão (after we have already helped ourselves!) at the Imperial. This is becoming a Monday habit 🙂 pic.twitter.com/vXisZJ6j
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 16, 2012
Neighbours. pic.twitter.com/smnjI3cO
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 16, 2012
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Meteo.pt is often a source of good news. There IS that cloud in the Friday forecast, though … pic.twitter.com/NGkkFOCd
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 17, 2012
We are once again glued to a sun-drenched bench in the Jardim da Estrela. Might be time for a nap, like the guy on the next bench over …
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 17, 2012
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
It's a bit hilly in our neighbourhood. pic.twitter.com/J6weJeQ4
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 18, 2012
Leaving soon to meet Kimon e Rui for lunch at "… a very nice, small restaurant we are sure you will like". But, right now it is a mystery!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 18, 2012
O flor do dia. pic.twitter.com/ZhP7NhQl
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 18, 2012
Susan's left arm – and, Rui – at the tiny Casa Java (seats 12 in a pinch), where we had a very nice lunch. pic.twitter.com/Q59PlgDN
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 18, 2012
Lunch was at Casa Java, not too far from here – Praça Marquês de Pombal. It was "clearly" a beautiful day. pic.twitter.com/hGzbSEK8
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 18, 2012
Thursday, 19 January 2012
"Duas bicas e duas queijadas." We must be at Az de Comer for elevenses. pic.twitter.com/67lDDye0
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 19, 2012
Tonight's dinner being cleaned. She's done it so many times, she doesn't even have to look. pic.twitter.com/GlD41vUt
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 19, 2012
Susan wouldn't let Steve say "Another pretty flower in the Jardim da Estrela." pic.twitter.com/sgltsJkp
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 19, 2012
We're just moving from sun spot to sun spot today. Currently at o Miradouro da Graça. pic.twitter.com/nR2AKmoB
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 19, 2012
O Tejo. pic.twitter.com/gKKmdJWi
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 19, 2012
Friday, 20 January 2012
One of the spectacular views looking north from Cabo da Roca. pic.twitter.com/kCTtspwm
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 20, 2012
Great! Try the robalo or polvo! 🙂 RT @knowmarktravel: At Andrea's suggestion, we're here 4 an early lunch pic.twitter.com/myMzlmSn
— AndreaInWine (@AndreaInWine) January 20, 2012
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Just a gorgeous day here. Haven't accomplished much. Went to Xandite in Campo de Ourique for pão alentejano; currently stuck on sunny bench.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 21, 2012
O flor do dia. pic.twitter.com/3ASSAhdo
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 21, 2012
Sunday, 22 January 2012
We plan to have Sunday almoço here later today. pic.twitter.com/gsuu6EjV
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 22, 2012
No idea what this looks like (sun is very bright) but here we are sitting in Jardim da Estrela again! Almoço soon. pic.twitter.com/hrB5dGjI
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 22, 2012
Music in the Jardim on a Sunday afternoon. They're not bad! pic.twitter.com/Y0OC8uf3
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 22, 2012
Monday, 23 January 2012
A very foggy start to the day here.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 23, 2012
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Não pastel de feijão (Steve's favourite) at 1800 this morning. However, their pastel de nata is also excellent!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 24, 2012
O flor do dia. pic.twitter.com/iveOPkKP
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 24, 2012
Delicious lunch (as always) at Verde Gaio today. Warm greeting from Jorge and the crew who we haven't seen for a year.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 24, 2012
Pigeon Man, sitting on his favourite bench. pic.twitter.com/KQrswufO
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 24, 2012
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
We go shopping for a coat for Susan. This one is being considered, but probably won't make the cut. pic.twitter.com/wiE5LhaY
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 25, 2012
In the Largo de Camões, waiting for our dinner companions. pic.twitter.com/u6ixDMRZ
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 25, 2012
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Late night at the excellent Brasuca (old Brasilian restaurant) with Kimon and Rui. Missed the last tram so we walked the 1.5km home.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 26, 2012
On our way to Cascais to buy prepared horseradish and Worcester sauce, essential ingredients for O Dia da Marmota.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 26, 2012
At Cais de Sodré train station. pic.twitter.com/DUW9ARnW
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 26, 2012
It should be noted, PTBO gardeners, Steve was looking UP when he took it! RT @KnowmarkTravel: O flor do dia (datura). pic.twitter.com/4gZyZxKJ
— Susan Markanen (@susanjm) January 26, 2012
Friday, 27 January 2012
@KnowmarkTravel Are you leaving Lisbon?
— Célia Pedroso (@CeliaPedroso) January 27, 2012
@CeliaPedroso Não. Just moving to a different apt for a few days. Then, back to Estrela and into the place @audreygillan stayed! Busy!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 27, 2012
@KnowmarkTravel You will love it, it's a lovely apartment @audreygillan
— Célia Pedroso (@CeliaPedroso) January 27, 2012
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Birthday dinner for Kimon here tonight. pic.twitter.com/IqEvmuPz
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 28, 2012
Finished moving into our new digs, where we will be for another 10 nights. Really liked the last apartment, but it was no longer available.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 28, 2012
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Dinner last night. Birthday boy (Kimon) is at the far end. Held at A Gôndola. Owner Julia is third from Kimon's left. pic.twitter.com/DFZ4hKzh
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 29, 2012
Later last night at A Gôndola. Rui (foreground) holds forth; Kimon continues to smoke. pic.twitter.com/PEQtQ2rO
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 29, 2012
For our anniversary, we went to Vodafone to top up our mobiles and then went shopping at Pingo Doce. All that on a beautiful day in Lisboa.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 29, 2012
Arroz de pato e espinafres salteados for our anniversary dinner (em casa). Very, very good and the company was perfect. pic.twitter.com/XHlz0XVi
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 29, 2012
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Perhaps the most difficult Carris stop to spot in Lisboa. There is no indication on the sidewalk, whatsoever. pic.twitter.com/W3pTKm2J
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 31, 2012