Friday, 3 January 2020
Since we arrived in Wellington so early this morning, our digs won’t be ready for a while. So we have come to relax at one of our favourite places here … the wonderful @Te_Papa Museum. This work was not here last year.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 2, 2020
@kzknowles @sjwpottery
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 2, 2020
Tuesday, 7 January 2020
Back in the Aro Valley (as of Monday) and enjoying a wonderful date scone at our favourite coffee shop in New Zealand … the Aro Street Café. Settled in!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 7, 2020
Wednesday, 8 January 2020
Lovely nasturtium just outside our door here in the Aro Valley.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 8, 2020
Monday, 13 January 2020
Foxglove and a weed on the pathway from our place to the street. On our way to elevenses.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 13, 2020
Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Typical morning:
Walk to Aro St Café for elevenses.
New World for shopping (taking two buses starting at Café).
Back home with shopping (taking two buses starting at Courtenay Place).Time: ~90 minutes.
Distance: ~5k.
Bus: $1.28 ($1.10 CAD) each using @metlinkwgtn transfers.— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 15, 2020
Thursday, 16 January 2020
Two weeks after our first visit to @Te_Papa, they are taking down the wonderful ‘Finale: Bouquet’ (by Nike Savvas) installation.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 16, 2020
Saturday, 18 January 2020
RIP @mmarkanen 1932 – 2020 #dad
— Susan Markanen (@susanjm) January 18, 2020
Monday, 20 January 2020
Forget-me-nots for Murray.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 20, 2020