Saturday, 12 February 2011
Not a good start. See Lisbon entry 🙁
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 13, 2011
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Susan unlocks the door to our first apartamento.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 13, 2011
Monday, 14 February 2011
The best queijada in Lisboa. If we are near, we come here (Az de Comer) every day about this time.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 14, 2011
We might dine here tonight. It's on our short list, anyway!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 14, 2011
Susan's new slippers … the floor of our apartmento is COLD!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 14, 2011
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Our first pasteis de nata this trip. Mmmmm!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 15, 2011
Mercado Camp de Ourique is right next to our apartment. It has an amazing fish section.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 15, 2011
Dinner at our favourite restaurant tonight, Verde Gaio. Great to see Jorge and the crew again!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 15, 2011
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Frango no churrasco. Our dinner tonight (para fora).
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 16, 2011
João Pinto putting hot pepper sauce on our frango. The owner and a very nice guy. We have eaten his chicken many times.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 16, 2011
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Moving here tomorrow morning.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 17, 2011
In the beautiful Jardim da Estrela. It's nice to see flowers in bloom!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 17, 2011
Emergency electronic gear run. We love fnac! #km211
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 17, 2011
Jantar 1
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 17, 2011
Jantar 2
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 17, 2011
Full moon over Lisboa.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 17, 2011
Friday, 18 February 2011
Moved into our new apartamento today. So far, so good. Dinner in Alcochete tonight with our friends Kimon and Rui.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 18, 2011
Rui e a famosa Susana!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 18, 2011
Susan and Rui following Kimon into the tasca where we are dining tonight.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 18, 2011
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Almoço en casa with this wine, a gift from Rui e Kimon. The wine is quite nice.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 19, 2011
Out for a walk near Parque Eduardo VII.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 19, 2011
Our destination. Now, how do we get there from here?
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 19, 2011
Mission accomplished; makes a great apertivo 🙂
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 19, 2011
Just finished another great dinner at Verde Gaio. Jorge treated us to an after dinner port.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 19, 2011
Sunday, 20 February 2011
A beautiful, sunny day in Lisboa. Time for laundry!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 20, 2011
Monday, 21 February 2011
Our new favourite pastelaria and our new favourite pastel!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 21, 2011
Balancing act
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 21, 2011
Very enjoyable lunch in Jardim da Estrela with Simona Demuro, the British Consul here. We used to rent her apartment.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 21, 2011
Quite a good meal at Mãe de Água tonight. However, the service did not meet the same standard. Very unusual experience for us in Portugal.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 21, 2011
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
These are *very* good!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 22, 2011
@AlanaCallan Pasteis de feijão. There are numerous varieties; this is a particularly good version.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 22, 2011
Don't know what they are, but they sure are pretty.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 22, 2011
Steve using Skype to chat with Kevin in Australia while walking through Parque Eduardo VII in Lisboa. Love mobile tech!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 22, 2011
So far our search for proper port glasses has been fruitless. Beautiful store, though!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 22, 2011
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
View from our front balcony. Looks like another beautiful day in Lisboa.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 23, 2011
Delightful dinner last night at Nova Xurrex with the Harper/Ash gang. We 1st met when Krista left a comment at flickr.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 23, 2011
About 11 o'clock and not surprisingly we find ourselves here 🙂
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 23, 2011
It has been said (and we agree) that it is worth seeking out pastelarias in Portugal that say "Fabrico Próprio".
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 23, 2011
Igreja de Santa Engrácia
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 23, 2011
Azulejos in the famous Mercado da Ribeira.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 23, 2011
Almoço at Tasca do Papagaio. Great place, hard to describe. About 40 metres from our door.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 23, 2011
O Papagaio. Pargo for Steve; picanha for Susan. Seats 50 in a space that would comfortably accommodate 20. Great place.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 23, 2011
Scene/seen from a park bench. Post-lunch rest and relaxation.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 23, 2011
Almost asleep 🙂
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 23, 2011
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Enjoying the warm sunshine and The Independent (using Kindle) on our rear balcony. However, must go out for café e pasteis …
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 24, 2011
We are not familiar with this vinho, but we will check it out later. It's quite good. At Verde Gaio for almoço.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 24, 2011
Cardhu at Procópio, a small, storied bar near our apartamento. We discovered it 3 years ago; it remains our favourite.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 24, 2011
Friday, 25 February 2011
With the sun hitting our rear balcony, the laundry will be dry in just a few hours.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 25, 2011
One end of the line for #74. The other end is Prazeres, in Campo de Ourique. We have ridden this autocarro many times.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 25, 2011
Delicious pizza at Casanova. Thanks, Simona!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 25, 2011
Saturday, 26 February 2011
A perfect birthday morning for Steve – café, pastel de feijão, his mobile … oh yeah, and Susan 🙂
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 26, 2011
Enjoying the sun in the beautiful Jardim da Estrela. One of the most pleasant places in Lisboa. We come here often.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 26, 2011
Susan is delighted to find that the cover ilustração was by @lucypepper
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 26, 2011
Almoço on our rear balcony. Perfect conditions.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 26, 2011
What would a visit to Jardim da Estrela be without "Radio Raheem". See also 2 years ago:
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 26, 2011
Basilica da Estrela in the beautiful late afternoon light of Lisboa.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 26, 2011
One of Steve's birthday presents …
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 26, 2011
Ouvidos de porco.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 26, 2011
Pregado – our favourite. Luckily they had one tonight!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 26, 2011
Birthday wine … recommended by Jorge. It was excellent.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 26, 2011
10-year tawny from Quinta de la Rosa at Procópio. A fitting end to Steve's birthday!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 26, 2011
Sunday, 27 February 2011
A nice lazy Sunday slowly gets underway on another beautiful day in Lisboa.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 27, 2011
Sobremesa … for 4! 🙂
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 27, 2011
Monday, 28 February 2011
Rui and Kimon treated us to a very nice dinner here last night. Very good food; quite small. Lots of laughter 🙂
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 28, 2011
A bit breezy today! Yes, the flag is enormous.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 28, 2011
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Rui's favourite house in Lisboa. Rua de Júlio de Andrade, 7. A bit out of our range, though!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 1, 2011
Our mistake. *This* is Rui's favourite house. Previous tweet was from the back and we guessed (incorrectly).
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 1, 2011
What a great place for a little library. Right in the middle of Jardim da Estrela.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 1, 2011
We spend a lot of time here. Those who follow us may have noticed 🙂
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 1, 2011
Drinks before dinner with Helena (pictured) and João at Procópio.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 1, 2011
Eusébio outside the Estádio da Luz.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 2, 2011
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
We think they're called clouds; it's been quite some time since we've seen any!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 2, 2011
The land where push means pull.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 2, 2011
Quiet place on the grounds of the Gulbenkian. Susan enhances the backdrop.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 2, 2011
It's an amazing place …
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 2, 2011
Our digs: piso 1 (2nd storey), including both balconies that can be seen at each end. View from Rua de João Penha.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 2, 2011
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Another beautiful day as we wait for the 709 at Rato.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 3, 2011
Surprisingly tasty.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 3, 2011
Missing photograph … 🙁
Vasco da Gama prayed to this statue of Mary prior departing on his voyage of discovery.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 3, 2011
Missing photograph … 🙁
Chá e pasteis com Rui e Kimon. Our last full day here 🙁
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 3, 2011
Missing photograph … 🙁
Friday, 4 March 2011
Sadly, we are packing for our return to Canadá. Luckily, with a later flight we don't have to rush.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 4, 2011
Our last (for now) …
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 4, 2011
Now relaxing in BlueLounge after flying through security via Green Way … thanks to SATA club class! #sata
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 4, 2011
On board to Toronto, still on time (SATA is often late).
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 4, 2011
So much for being on time 🙁
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 4, 2011
Just pulling into the Patch … that's it until next time!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 5, 2011