Sunday, 6 January 2013
@KnowmarkTravel Hello, enjoy your stay at our lounge. We are glad you are flying with us. We wish you a pleasant journey.
— Royal Dutch Airlines (@KLM) January 7, 2013
Have mobile devices. Will travel!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 7, 2013
Monday, 7 January 2013
@KnowmarkTravel Yay! 🙂
— Kristin Knowles (@kzknowles) January 7, 2013
While tired, essential shopping was necessary. Plus, a roupão de banho from @Rituals at Amoreiras.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 7, 2013
The aforementioned robe, modelled by the lovely @susanjm
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 7, 2013
Tonight's port is dedicated to @RyanNelsen1— may he succeed where all others before have failed. #TFC
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 7, 2013
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Glorious Lisboan sunshine streaming into our apartment this morning. Basking …
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 8, 2013
Elevenses. First queijada (not the last!) at our favourite local pastelaria, Doce Estrela.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 8, 2013
Frango para fora (with a little piri-piri) from O Lavrador for supper. Quality of the chicken varies. Always good; tonight's was excellent!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 8, 2013
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Reservations (almoço) for some Conzinha Alentejana at one of our favourite restaurantes, O Magano.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 9, 2013
Borreguinho for Steve.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 9, 2013
For Susan: carne de porco à alentejana
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 9, 2013
@KnowmarkTravel @CeliaPedroso Wah! So so so so jealous. Lucky old you two. It's your home from home now
— Audrey Gillan (@audreygillan) January 9, 2013
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Walked into 1800 for the first time in a year. Guy behind the bar smiles, pulls out Steve's usual (pastel de feijão).
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 10, 2013
@KnowmarkTravel Bom Dia 🙂 tell him he looks wonderfully similiar to the handsome Leonard Cohen in that picture
— Alana Callan (@AlanaCallan) January 10, 2013
One of the many delightful plants in the Jardim da Estrela.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 10, 2013
Friday, 11 January 2013
Elevenses at Doce Estrela; yummy pastel de coco. Só um between us 🙂
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 11, 2013
Saturday, 12 January 2013
It might be 12° in Peterborough, but there are no azaleas in bloom 🙂
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 12, 2013
Another excellent meal at O Magano. In the foreground is Steve's linguado; Susan's sopa de tomate com garoupa is behind
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 12, 2013
Sunday, 13 January 2013
Brisk today.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 13, 2013
Monday, 14 January 2013
Beautiful bright, clear morning here. Perfect for laundry 🙂
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 14, 2013
Something new at Doce Estrela, a delicious flakey pastry with a little maçã inside.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 14, 2013
O azulejo do dia.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 14, 2013
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
O azulejo do dia.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 15, 2013
Waiting for the bus after another great evening with Kimon and Rui.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 15, 2013
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Elevenses at Pastelaria 1800. The joint is jumping this morning!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 16, 2013
Typical scene: tram held up by delivery trucks.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 16, 2013
Thursday, 17 January 2013
O azulejo do dia, taken inside one of our favourite restaurants, Verde Gaio.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 17, 2013
Dourada grelhada para duas pessoas. Mmmm!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 17, 2013
Jorge has plunked down a tawny Port and dois pasteis de nata which we did not ask for. He spoils us 🙂
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 17, 2013
Despite the fact that we are already stuffed, we have consumed both the port and the pastries! We are so polite (and it was so good).
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 17, 2013
Friday, 18 January 2013
@KnowmarkTravel Love this one. My favourite so far. 🙂
— Kristin Knowles (@kzknowles) January 18, 2013
Saturday, 19 January 2013
A wild, stormy morning in Lisboa. Think we might stay in for elevenses!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 19, 2013
Dinner at home tonight. Enchiladas com peru e espinafras.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 19, 2013
Sunday, 20 January 2013
O azulejo do dia. Part of the trim from the building across the street from our apartment, just above the second story.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 20, 2013
Monday, 21 January 2013
Elevenses at Doce Estrela. No pastéis today. Saving room for lunch at O Magano 🙂
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 21, 2013
To start, peixinhos da horta, or if you prefer, green beans battered and fried. One of Susan's favourites.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 21, 2013
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Almoço in the cafeteria on the top floor of El Corte Inglés. Unlike any cafeteria that is found in Canadá!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 23, 2013
O azulejo do dia – just around the corner from our apartamento, on Calçada da Estrela
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 23, 2013
Friday, 25 January 2013
We are making short work of these wonderful fava beans before our mains at Verde Gaio.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 25, 2013
Jorge insists that we have sobremesa*, although we only asked for café! (*dessert)
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 25, 2013
@KnowmarkTravel Oooo, fave so far.
— laharries (@laharries) January 25, 2013
"To the Immortal Memory of Rabbie Burns", who has given us a ready excuse to drink this tonight 🙂
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 25, 2013
Saturday, 26 January 2013
@KnowmarkTravel What is that? A queque with apple?
— Célia Pedroso (@CeliaPedroso) January 26, 2013
O azulejo do dia, inside the entrance of our building.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 26, 2013
Beautiful full moon over Lisbon tonight.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 26, 2013
Sunday, 27 January 2013
Posting the Sunday lunch menu in Alcântara.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 27, 2013
Waiting for our bus at the Praça Marquês de Pombal after Kimon and Rui treated us to a great dinner at A Gondola.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 27, 2013
Monday, 28 January 2013
As a beautiful day dawns in Lisboa, it seems appropriate to reflect on one of the many reasons we come here 🙂
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 28, 2013
O azulejo do dia.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 28, 2013
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
@KnowmarkTravel It's a gorgeous living room. I might be able to have coffee with you on Thursday, will confirm tomorrow.
— Célia Pedroso (@CeliaPedroso) January 29, 2013
The remains of our anniversary lunch at O Magano. As usual, they have been very kind. And now, dessert.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 29, 2013
The Scots certainly got around 🙂
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 29, 2013
On the 28E (tram) to Graça, where we stayed for the first time we visited Portugal in 2006.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 29, 2013
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 30, 2013
O azulejo do dia.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 30, 2013
Late afternoon light in Jardim da Estrela.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 30, 2013
Didn't make it here last night, but it is our tradition to have a drink at Bar Procópio on our anniversary.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 30, 2013
Thursday, 31 January 2013
@KnowmarkTravel Ha, great shot! It's summer in that side of the river!
— Célia Pedroso (@CeliaPedroso) January 31, 2013
Dinner at home tonight. Shrimp-couscous salad with arugula, mint, and feta.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) January 31, 2013