Lisboa 2008

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Our trip to Lisboa from Toronto was completed on this aircraft.
Our trip to Lisboa from Toronto was completed on this aircraft.

Friday, 4 January 2008

Our somewhat stunned “mug shots” (that we took in Peterborough) that allowed us to get the wonderful Cartão Lisboa Viva. With the Viva card, we are able to travel in all of the urban area of Lisboa, plus a little extra for 32€ (for a month). This includes the Metro and extensive Carris network. It’s a great deal. Plus, we now have Portuguese photo ID! We applied for the cards the day we arrived (Thursday, 3 January) and were able to pick them up the next day. Great service.

Cartão Lisboa Viva.
Cartão Lisboa Viva.

Thursday, 10 January 2008

We begin our second week in Lisboa today. And, it was a lovely day – the best we’ve seen so far.

Beautiful aloe in Jardim da Estrela.
Beautiful aloe in Jardim da Estrela.


Saturday, 12 January 2008

A beautiful day in Lisboa found us engaged in one of our favourite activities – a picnic in Jardim da Estrela (plus, a walk to Amoreiras). We’ve only had a couple of really nice days since we’ve been here and this was one of them! While waiting for our favourite autocarro (number 74), the reflections you see in a couple of the photographs caught the eye.

Saturday, in the park ...
Saturday, in the park …

Why is she taking my photograph?
Why is she taking my photograph?

Lunch is winding down ...
Lunch is winding down …

Just hanging around.
Just hanging around.

Gaudi in Lisboa?
Gaudi in Lisboa?

Monday, 14 January 2008

Another beautiful January day in Lisboa.

Stop do Bairro. This has quickly become one of our favourite restaurants in this area.
Stop do Bairro. This has quickly become one of our favourite restaurants in this area.

Carris 74 - coming and going. On Rua Sampaio Bruno, just south of the intersection with Rua Almeida e  Sousa.  The autocarro on the right is stopped at Escola Manuel Maia, while the one on the left just happened along and will turn right (a direita) in about 30 metres, leading to its stop just around the corner - see next photograph.
Carris 74 – coming and going. On Rua Sampaio Bruno, just south of the intersection with Rua Almeida e Sousa. The autocarro on the right is stopped at Escola Manuel Maia, while the one on the left just happened along and will turn right (a direita) in about 30 metres, leading to its stop just around the corner – see next photograph.

This is Carris Route 74 making its first stop on Rua Almeida e Sousa, just east of Rua Sampaio Bruno as it leaves its western terminus at Prazeres (Campo Ourique).  This a great little autocarro, which seats twelve (although we have been in one that had an additional 18 standing!) and runs every nine minutes on week-days (dias úteis).
This is Carris Route 74 making its first stop on Rua Almeida e Sousa, just east of Rua Sampaio Bruno as it leaves its western terminus at Prazeres (Campo Ourique). This a great little autocarro, which seats twelve (although we have been in one that had an additional 18 standing!) and runs every nine minutes on week-days (dias úteis).

One view from our apartment (looking east).
One view from our apartment (looking east).

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Today we visited the wonderful Museu Nacional do Azulejo. There are some incredible pieces there, including some more modern ones.

Museu Nacional do Azulejo.
Museu Nacional do Azulejo.



Cat and mouse game.
Cat and mouse game.





Grande panorama de Lisboa.
Grande panorama de Lisboa.

Part of the Vista Panorâmica de Lisboa.
Part of the Vista Panorâmica de Lisboa.

Part of the Vista Panorâmica de Lisboa.
Part of the Vista Panorâmica de Lisboa.

Friday, 18 January 2008

A beautiful day in Lisboa. It was so nice that we decided to take a ferry across the Tejo and back. But, as you can see from the photographs, the weather on the river was not the same as it was in Campo de Ourique! So, we have postponed our ferry ride. The four photographs in this set were taken at 10:18am · 12:43pm · 3:02pm · 5:46pm.

The mid-morning sun was striking the No Parking sign just right to create an interesting reflection.  The parked car is fairly typical :-)
The mid-morning sun was striking the No Parking sign just right to create an interesting reflection. The parked car is fairly typical 🙂

The main room in our apartment.
The main room in our apartment.

Ponte 25 de Abril where the sun was not shining this afternoon.
Ponte 25 de Abril where the sun was not shining this afternoon.

Early twilight in Campo de Ourique where it is still a beautiful day.
Early twilight in Campo de Ourique where it is still a beautiful day.

Saturday, 19 January 2008

A famosa Susana, the KOSMUS canine. Susana é um cão especial e estava um prazer em conhecê-se com todo sua família a KOSMUS.
A famosa Susana, the KOSMUS canine. Susana é um cão especial e estava um prazer em conhecê-se com todo sua família a KOSMUS.

Nosso apartamento. We are on the 2° piso, which includes the four windows (including the balcony, which faces southeast) you see across the top.
Nosso apartamento. We are on the 2° piso, which includes the four windows (including the balcony, which faces southeast) you see across the top.

We are on the 2° piso.
We are on the 2° piso.

Sunday, 20 January 2008

Another beautiful day in Lisboa – que bom dia! A lazy Sunday found us having a late morning bica pingada (together with some wonderful sonhos) at Az de Comer before doing a little shopping and then “taking the sun” in the Jardim da Estrela. Then, we enjoyed our traditional Sunday lunch at Stop do Bairro (and had another wonderful meal) before heading out to Belém for no particular reason. It seemed that many Lisboans had the same idea!

Another lovely flower (iris) found and photographed in Jardim da Estrela.
Another lovely flower (iris) found and photographed in Jardim da Estrela.

Yet another lovely flower (bergenia) found and photographed in Jardim da Estrela.
Yet another lovely flower (bergenia) found and photographed in Jardim da Estrela.

Mob scene in Belém. We have tried the wonderful pasteis de  Belém before and they are wonderful.  However, the line-up seen here made us re-evaluate our desire for more (which we rejected!).
Mob scene in Belém. We have tried the wonderful pasteis de Belém before and they are wonderful. However, the line-up seen here made us re-evaluate our desire for more (which we rejected!).

Monday, 21 January 2008

An absolutely gorgeous day here – about 20° and that lovely blue Portuguese sky (no clouds that we could see). These conditions lend themselves to “taking the sun” in one of the very many well-appointed parks in Lisboa, which is basically all we did today.

Yet another beautiful flower found in Jardim da Estrela.  This example (Dombeya) was found in abundance on a rather large tree.
Yet another beautiful flower found in Jardim da Estrela. This example (Dombeya) was found in abundance on a rather large tree.

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Approaching Lisboa on the barco (ferry) from Barreiro.
Approaching Lisboa on the barco (ferry) from Barreiro.

Approaching Lisboa on the barco (ferry) from Barreiro. The large building in the middle (at the top/back of the photograph) is the Mosteiro de São Vicente de Fora.
Approaching Lisboa on the barco (ferry) from Barreiro. The large building in the middle (at the top/back of the photograph) is the Mosteiro de São Vicente de Fora.

Approaching Lisboa on the barco (ferry) from Barreiro.
Approaching Lisboa on the barco (ferry) from Barreiro.

We had almoço (lunch) at the table on the left (in the Jardim da Estrela).  We finally had to move to a shadier spot, because we got too warm!
We had almoço (lunch) at the table on the left (in the Jardim da Estrela). We finally had to move to a shadier spot, because we got too warm!

Os senhores da sueca.
Os senhores da sueca.

It was a sunny day.
It was a sunny day.

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Câmara Municipal and that beautiful sky!
Câmara Municipal and that beautiful sky!

Câmara Municipal.
Câmara Municipal.

What a treat!
What a treat!

Susan studies our planned ascent to the Castelo dos Mouros.  The café and wonderful Queijada da Sapa helped to provide inspiration for the arduous trek ahead.
Susan studies our planned ascent to the Castelo dos Mouros. The café and wonderful Queijada da Sapa helped to provide inspiration for the arduous trek ahead.

Blue flowers (agapanthus in this case) always seem difficult to photograph ;-[
Blue flowers (agapanthus in this case) always seem difficult to photograph ;-[

Friday, 25 January 2008




Saturday, 26 January 2008

These photographs were all taken at O Jaime, a small tasca in Graça. We first stopped in here two years ago, just looking for a late lunch. We did not know about the fado until later. We now endeavour to stop in whenever we are in Lisboa and catch at least one set. The quality of these photographs is not great, because the lighting was very difficult (low and mixed!).

As you can see, O Jaime is not very big.  This shot was taken from the street, through the door.  The players perform at the back, just behind (barely!) where Susan is sitting.
As you can see, O Jaime is not very big. This shot was taken from the street, through the door. The players perform at the back, just behind (barely!) where Susan is sitting.

The eponymous owner, Jaime, serves drinks between sets.  Jaime and his wife, Laura, are very nice.  Jaime also sings fado.
The eponymous owner, Jaime, serves drinks between sets. Jaime and his wife, Laura, are very nice. Jaime also sings fado.

Between sets. With the new tobacco laws in Portugal (as of 1 January 2008), there is a lot of sidewalk smoking!  The three on the right are musicians: viola player; Paulo Silva (guitarra); one of the singers (from right to left).  They are taking a break after the second set at O Jaime. If you look at this photograph in larger sizes, you will see Laura (Jaime's wife) through the window.  She is wearing the purple/black  striped top.
Between sets. With the new tobacco laws in Portugal (as of 1 January 2008), there is a lot of sidewalk smoking! The three on the right are musicians: viola player; Paulo Silva (guitarra); one of the singers (from right to left). They are taking a break after the second set at O Jaime. If you look at this photograph in larger sizes, you will see Laura (Jaime’s wife) through the window. She is wearing the purple/black striped top.

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Today is our anniversary, and we couldn’t really have had a better one. First, we are in our favourite city. Second, we didn’t really do too much!

Actually, our anniversary celebration began the night before, as we had a night out with our friends Helena and João (originally scheduled for tonight). Drinks at Foxtrot, followed by a very nice dinner at Verde Gaio. The evening seemed to go very quickly and unfortunately we both forgot about photography!

Today we continued our anniversary celebration with a nice picnic in one of our absolutely favourite spots – the Jardim da Estrela. It was a beautiful day here in Lisboa.

Later, we had drinks at Procópio, a very interesting bar quite close to the Praça das Amoreiras. The accompanying photographs were all taken at Procópio (the quality is not great because of extremely low light).

We then caught the Carris #74 autocarro back to our apartment and had a light supper (shrimp-pea pods-mushroom pasta) accompanied by a very nice vinho verde that Helena and João had given us last night. And, we finished off with a nice 10-year tawny port along with some excellent dark chocolate – the house brand from Pingo Doce, which is surprisingly good.

Bar Procópio. Tucked away on Alto de São Francisco, just off the Praça das Amoreiras.  If you look closely, the bright light on the upper left spells out the name of the club in neon.
Bar Procópio. Tucked away on Alto de São Francisco, just off the Praça das Amoreiras. If you look closely, the bright light on the upper left spells out the name of the club in neon.

We enjoy our Cardhu, while Susan peruses a history of Procópio, in a book published in December 2007.
We enjoy our Cardhu, while Susan peruses a history of Procópio, in a book published in December 2007.

A toast to 22 wonderful years. Saúde!
A toast to 22 wonderful years. Saúde!

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Our last full day in Lisboa, which is sad. However, we had a wonderful lunch at our favourite restaurant in this great city. It was a fitting farewell.

Verde Gaio - nosso restaurante preferido em Lisboa. The staff - Jorge, Joana, Ísabel, Pedro, the chefe, Jose - all make dining there memorable.  This is not to mention the rest of the kitchen staff who we have only glimpsed from time  to time (and we have dined there on many occasions).
Verde Gaio – nosso restaurante preferido em Lisboa. The staff – Jorge, Joana, Ísabel, Pedro, the chefe, Jose – all make dining there memorable. This is not to mention the rest of the kitchen staff who we have only glimpsed from time to time (and we have dined there on many occasions).