Sunday, 3 January 2010
Fort St. Catherine and the beach at Gates Bay. While it is a lot warmer here in Bermuda (15-20º) than it is in Ontario (-13º), it is very windy, as you can tell by the trees in this photograph.
Monday, 4 January 2010
Hamilton. Part of the downtown, shot from the ferry to Dockyards.
A little windblown on the ferry from Hamilton to Dockyards.
Dinner tonight em casa (Taylor House). Note the elegant tablecloth.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Lovely bird in Par-La-Ville Park in downtown Hamilton, Bermuda. Will see if the ID Please group can help us out. ID Please says that it is probably a Great kiskadee.
Café Açoreano. We were delighted to find that Bermuda has a Portuguese bakery (pastelaria). It is right across from the bus terminal in Hamilton. Since we are staying in St. George, we just catch a bus to Hamilton and step across the street for late morning café e pasteis!
Thursday, 7 January 2010
East End, Bermuda. We have been staying in St. George (in Saint George’s Parish) during our brief stay in Bermuda. Quite an interesting place (the oldest settled part of Bermuda), although struggling economically at this time.
Saint George’s Parish. Just west of the Town of St. George, viewed from the Bermuda Railway Trail, which we hiked on for a short way.
Friday, 8 January 2010
Steve, checking the bus schedule. A familiar pose, as he loves public transit and immerses us in it wherever we go. Bermuda has a first-rate system in our estimation.
Susan, looking particularly glamourous. Taken at Warwick Long Bay.