Saturday, 1 February 2014
🚣 Rowing on O Tejo.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 1, 2014
Beautiful day for a walk by the river.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 1, 2014
🚶Two down.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 1, 2014
🚶Five to go …LOL!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 1, 2014
Orange and blue.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 1, 2014
👩 On our way to lunch at A Casa dos Passarinhos we ran into Simona Demuro, an old acquaintance. She is the British Consul here. Nice chat.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 1, 2014
🌆On the street where we live.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 1, 2014
Sunday, 2 February 2014
🐹 🎉 O dia de marmota! Shadows everywhere here in Lisboa this morning.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 2, 2014
🐹 Let the festivities begin!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 2, 2014
🐹 The bar is open.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 2, 2014
🐹 We are ready to eat.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 2, 2014
🐹 O peixe.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 2, 2014
🐹 O carne.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 2, 2014
🐹 Mais sobremesa.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 2, 2014
@susanjm @slknowles thank you so much for the great Marmota lunch!!!
— Célia Pedroso (@CeliaPedroso) February 2, 2014
Monday, 3 February 2014
🐹 This is our friend Julia, who was responsible for a wonderful celebration yesterday at her restaurant La Gôndola.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 3, 2014
☕ 🎶 Listening to Queen on the radio at D✴ce Estrela with our morning café. Two broas de mel have just "bitten the dust".
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 3, 2014
🍴 Tasty lunch of chicken sandwiches and vegetable soup at our local "sandes" shop. Thanks for the tip, Simona!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 3, 2014
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
🚈 Currently riding the MTS through the heart of Almada. Terrific transit system here.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 4, 2014
🚈 A paragem do dia. In Almada on our way to lunch. Wouldn't want to disappoint @CatsandMusic … ☺
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 4, 2014
🍴 Very nice lunch at Bela Churrasqueira in Larangeiro where we surprised an old acquaintance, João Pinto. Had a place in Lisboa; now here.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 4, 2014
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Out for our afternoon constitutional.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 5, 2014
Thursday, 6 February 2014
☕ At Pastelaria Aloma, current holders of the best pasteis de nata in Lisboa. They are indeed excellent!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 6, 2014
☔ Absolutely filthy day here.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 6, 2014
Friday, 7 February 2014
☕ Elevenses at our most frequented pastelaria, D✴ce Estrela. The man is a regular, sitting at his regular table.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 7, 2014
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 7, 2014
Lovely building just around the corner from ours.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 7, 2014
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 7, 2014
Saturday, 8 February 2014
🎿📺 Thanks to @theTunnelBear and a surprisingly good Android app from the CBC, we can watch the Olympics quite comfortably here in Lisboa.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 8, 2014
At one end (north) of our street.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 8, 2014
🌊 O Tejo. Lovely afternoon here.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 8, 2014
Sunday, 9 February 2014
🚐 A paragem do dia. Please note that all cars in this picture are parked.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 9, 2014
Monday, 10 February 2014
Just finished lunch with @ktinlisbon after an extensive tour of Campo de Ourique. We were delighted to meet her.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 10, 2014
@susanjm, @slknowles – lovely to meet you both today. It's always good to make new friends
— Katy Pugh (@ktinlisbon) February 10, 2014
@CeliaPedroso @ktinlisbon Sounds like a good plan, Célia! lf you organise it we will come … ☺
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 10, 2014
🌳 Some of the detritus in the beautiful Jardim da Estrela after last night's storm.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 10, 2014
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
🍴 The delightful Lúcia behind the bar at Catatua, where we have had another tasty light lunch (sandes).
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 11, 2014
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 11, 2014
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
🍴 Almoço at one of our favourites, Papagaio.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 12, 2014
Susan's first feed of carne de porco alentejano this year … muito bom!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 12, 2014
As paragens do dia. There are four of them!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 12, 2014
Thursday, 13 February 2014
☕ Delicious tarte de pera at L'atelier by Stef for elevenses. Interesting place. Near the Museu de Arte Antiga.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 13, 2014
Baby ducks in the Jardim da Estrela.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 13, 2014
Friday, 14 February 2014
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 14, 2014
🍴 Almost always a lineup at Casanova, especially on a Friday. Can you spot the Susan?
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 14, 2014
Yet another typical building here. Saldanha area.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 14, 2014
Saturday, 15 February 2014
🍴 At Stef's for lunch/brunch. Complete chaos. Hope that the food is good!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 15, 2014
☕ Having an afternoon café on the patio at A Chique de Belém. Despite the chaos, our lunch at Stef's was very good.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 15, 2014
Ponte 25 de Abril looking east.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 15, 2014
The bridge again (panorama)
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 15, 2014
Only 5 km to go … jk!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 15, 2014
Sunday, 16 February 2014
🍴 Sunday lunch at Cervejaria da Esquina.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 16, 2014
One of our small plates … laminas de vieiras com amêndoas
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 16, 2014
We are finally trying bolo de bolacha ☺ Excellent conclusion to a superb meal!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 16, 2014
Street of yellow …
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 16, 2014
Monday, 17 February 2014
."@KnowmarkTravel: New career @AlanaCallan?” hahaha maybe next career
— Alana Callan (@AlanaCallan) February 17, 2014
Aqueduct sky
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 17, 2014
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
🚌 A paragem do dia. Looks like a beautiful day for our trip to Évora.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 18, 2014
☕ Even the pigeons stop for coffee here.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 18, 2014
🚌 Free WiFi on the bus … yay!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 18, 2014
🎶 Cool service from Google Now ("what's this song?"). Unfortunate soundtrack for our journey, though … 😕
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 18, 2014
🎶 Soundtrack a little better.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 18, 2014
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 18, 2014
O templo de Diana (Roman, 1st century CE).
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 18, 2014
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 18, 2014
🍴 After seven years we have returned to Taberna Típica Quarta-feira for lunch. Superb meal.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 18, 2014
Sobremesa … yes please 😃
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 18, 2014
🍞 Need bread for this evening. So it was fortuitous to see this sign as we were wandering through Évora after lunch!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 18, 2014
Such a pretty town …
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 18, 2014
Steve and the town wall
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 18, 2014
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
🚌 There are 5 bus stops here; 4 can be seen if you look closely. We are waiting at the 5th. We call it The Triangle.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 19, 2014
Thursday, 20 February 2014
🎨 A cultural interlude.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 20, 2014
🎨 Shocked to discover that the winter landscapes were probably our favourites … ☺
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 20, 2014
🎨 Liked this bit. Detail of Landscape with Gypsies (David Teniers the Younger).
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 20, 2014
🎨 Another detail that we liked. Don't remember the artist/painting though … 😕
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 20, 2014
Friday, 21 February 2014
☕ Sharing one of the delicious queque de maçã that D✴ce Estrela usually has.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 21, 2014
In the lovely Cemitério does Ingleses, where we have been doing some pro bono genealogy.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 21, 2014
Sueca. Very popular.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 21, 2014
Saturday, 22 February 2014
☕ They do coconut treats really well at Pastelaria 1800.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 22, 2014
🌼 Daffodils!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 22, 2014
Sunday, 23 February 2014
🍴 Just made a reservation here for Sunday lunch.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 23, 2014
The Swedish embassy … wonder what they're all doing right now?
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 23, 2014
🍴 Very nice lunch (there is a tonne of bacalhau buried in there) at Varina da Madragoa.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 23, 2014
🎶 We think @MsCodger would enjoy the soundtrack here.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 23, 2014
@KnowmarkTravel Ooh, yes please! But will it fit in your suitcase? And then the freezer? 😉
— Kristin Knowles (@kzknowles) February 23, 2014
Monday, 24 February 2014
🍴 Lúcia at Catatua makes the best sandwiches!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 24, 2014
Susan's favourite grey geese in the Jardim da Estrela
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 24, 2014
Susana is getting ready for a walk.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 24, 2014
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Estrela Hall – home of the Lisbon Players "Theatre in English since 1947"
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 25, 2014
Susan always calls Lisboa a "city of layers".
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 25, 2014
More layers
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 25, 2014
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
🎂 Parabéns!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 26, 2014
🍴 Bacalhau grelhado (à Lagareiro).
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 26, 2014
🍴 First burger … very popular at the moment.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 26, 2014
Cemitério de Prazeres
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 26, 2014
Thursday, 27 February 2014
☕ Delicious tarte de maçã at Pastelaria Estrelas Brilhantes. Steve's 66th year is off to a good start!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 27, 2014
🍴 Fresh shellfish delivery at Cervejaria Esquina.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 27, 2014
🍷 The very nice staff at Cervejaria da Esquina have treated us to a post-prandial ginjinha – our 1st. Not our last!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 27, 2014
Friday, 28 February 2014
🚌 A paragem do dia, looking northwest from O Largo do Rato.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 28, 2014
Visiting the ruined church of the Convento de Carmo this morning.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 28, 2014
Manueline Arcosolia and Tomb of a Knight (Francisco Faria) 16th c.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 28, 2014
There is an archeological museum housed in the church ruins. These are decorated tubular objects, Chalcolithic period
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 28, 2014
It is somehow appropriate that Steve's first senior discount was the entrance fee to a museum.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 28, 2014
Back of the church
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 28, 2014
Dead centre on the horizon is the Miradouro da Senhora do Monte.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 28, 2014
😁🎉 Q: How do you know that it is Carnaval? A: There are hordes of teenagers hurling water balloons at each other.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 28, 2014
🎉 The polícia discussing Carnaval with a young waterballooner in the Jardim da Estrela.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) February 28, 2014
Sunday, 2 March 2014
More layers. This view is just down the street from our apartamento.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 2, 2014
Tessa has taken us to lunch at the Restaurante Adraga on the Praia da Adraga.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 2, 2014
🍴 Robbie the robalo – before.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 2, 2014
Robbie the robalo – after.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 2, 2014
Monday, 3 March 2014
📱Vodafone support wonders why Steve is taking a picture. Usually reliable, Vodafone has messed up Susan's plan.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 3, 2014
In a spot we have always called the "rain park" because we got caught in a downpour here several years ago.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 3, 2014
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
Steve down the hill.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 4, 2014
🍴 Doesn't look like much from the outside; a real hole in the wall. But Lúcia serves excellent sandes (sandwiches).
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 4, 2014
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
☕ 🍴 D✴ce Estrela, our favourite pastelaria.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 5, 2014
One of the nicest things to do on a lovely sunny afternoon in Lisboa is to enjoy the Jardim da Estrela.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 5, 2014
Thursday, 6 March 2014
☕ A superb queijada (with a few slivered almonds on top) at Estrelas Brilhantes this morning. Wish we had discovered them earlier!
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 6, 2014
🍴 Our Last Supper ('tis the season) at our favourite restaurant, Verde Gaio. Excellent meal as always – today we had dourada grelhada.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 6, 2014
Hmmm … back to Peterborough tomorrow.
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 6, 2014
Friday, 7 March 2014
🌞 Enjoying the late morning sun in the Jardim da Estrela one more time before heading to the airport. We will miss it …
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 7, 2014
Saturday, 8 March 2014
⛄ Lisboa never looks like this … ☺
— Steve and Susan (@KnowmarkTravel) March 8, 2014